# Welcome to the Kansas Socialist Book Club! ![[ks-sbc.png]] This is the official website that represents the Kansas Socialist Book Club (KS-SBC). Formed in 2022, the KS-SBC served primarily as an online space to conduct political education about socialism in Kansas. It has grown from a small gang of about 10 people to over 120 people interested in the ideas of Communism and Socialism in the state of Kansas! Despite having some growing pains, the core Organizers of the KS-SBC have finally decided to shift focus. Instead of being a primarily Discord-run online community, our own organizing experiences offline have revealed to us the strong need for an intensification of political education from an ideologically coherent fashion. The days of mish-mash hodgepodge "leftism" so-called are over! ^a81563 Here you will find our bylaws, our curriculum, our Points of Unity, our current organizational structure, when and where we meet, as well as a link to the Discord. We also host links to other projects and things that our Organizers are affiliated with as well. Feel free to explore those links as well if you're curious! Finally, if you're interested in joining we will have contact information for our various Branches as well as our Discord server # Table of Contents - [[About the KS-SBC|Why The Sudden Change?]] - [[Bylaws|Bylaws of the KS-SBC]] - Branches - [[Branches/MHK|Manhattan]] - [[LFK|Lawrence]] - [[Curriculum]] - [[Meeting Minutes|Meeting Minutes]] - Statements - [[Marcellus Williams|Lynching of Marcellus 'Khaliffa' Williams]] - [[Palestinian Genocide|Unconditional Solidarity with the Palestinian People]] # Branch Meetings If you don't see your city listed here, get in touch with an Organizer to talk about setting up a group in your city! Alternatively, if your just curious and want to attend, feel free to join us on Discord. ## [[MHK|Manhattan]] ![[MHK#^mhk-time]] ![[MHK#^mhk-location]] ![[MHK#^mhk-reading]] ## Lawrence - Location: TBD - Time: TBD - Topic: TBD - Assigned Reading: TBD